Bellbees X Synchronizers Online Beauty Store
The purpose of this project is to analyse the current state of the website and come up with interactive elements which enhances engagement of its users keeping in mind consistent design principles and concepts .
The Problem
Female professionals live busy lives and need a seamless e-commerce shopping experience to buy Korean skincare and make-up products without having to take time out of their schedules to shop in person. Most users cannot find BellBees through general search engine results for online Korean skincare sites and those who know about BellBees have difficulty navigating through the website. This poses a problem for BellBees as they work to become recognized as a luxury brand.
The Conclusion
The BellBees website has minimal design and doesn’t overpower the main content. The colors used accurately represent the brand message. The website doesn’t lack any key components.
However, in order to improve it, we could work on the following areas:
1. User-friendliness: The website has a lot to offer in terms of content and products which can sometimes be overwhelming. However, by using interactive features like filters and quizzes, we can substantially narrow down the search and make it more efficient.
2. A more luxurious experience: Creating an experience that is hyper-personalized, such as personal skin type or skin colour filters, would add to the brand image by reinforcing the feeling of luxury.
3. Consistency: A consistent layout is beneficial to unify the brand’s identity across multiple channels and make it more recognizable and in turn help the brand grow.